samedi 28 octobre 2006

Tag Cloud

Tag cloud is a new visual Tool that is starting to spread over website. It's a way of showing importance of items related to a site, usually by displaying it in different font size.
The most popular or important items are bolder and bigger.

Here is the definition from WiKiPedia:

A tag cloud (or weighted list in visual design) can be used as a visual depiction of content tags used on a website. Often, more frequently used tags are depicted in a larger font or otherwise emphasized, while the displayed order is generally alphabetical. Thus both finding a tag by alphabet and by popularity is possible. Selecting a single tag within a tag cloud will generally lead to a collection of items that are associated with that tag.
Four Guys from Rolla have a good article about Tag Cloud. They show how to integrat it using .Net

Creating a Tag Cloud in ASP.NET By Scott Mitchell:

vendredi 27 octobre 2006

How to use WebParts

If you want to experiment .NET Webparts YOU must read this article of Pete Orologas. I learned about it first at Sri Pachiappan's site. Trust Me, You will save A LOT of time.

Here is the Integral quote:


ASP.Net 2.0 WebPart Error -(SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

When you try to use webparts in your application for the first time, and if you are not using SQL 2005 express chances are that you would be getting an error saying, SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified.

The reason is WebPart Manager looks for SQL2005 express as its db in the personalization provider.

Kudos to Pete Orologas for pointing the solution. I am just reprinting his solution here. All credits to Pete.

The Issue:

The webpartmanager is looking for SQL Express 2005 which, by default, is the personalization provider. We can work around this but if you are really eager to see your page displayed you can set the Personalization-Enabled="false" in the webpartmanager. This will render your page but it will also defeat any purpose of using webparts. For the real solution read on.

The Solution: (3 simple steps)

1) Open your visual studio command prompt located in "Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005\Visual Studio Tools\Visual Stuido 2005 Command Prompt" and type in aspnet_regsql.exe. This will launch a wizard so that you can either create a DB or add tables to an existing database for storing personalization infromation. Click Next, Next, then enter in your DBServer Name. Lets leave the DB as "default" for now, click next, next, finish. By leaving the db as default the tool will create a database named aspnetdb

2) Now we have a database so we will need a connection string to access it from our Personalization Provider in Step 3. The connection string will go into your web.config and it will be similar to the one show below:

<remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
<add name="DBConn" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;Data Source=DBServer" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Note: The "remove" tag is used to inform Visual Studio that we will not be using SQL Express

3) The final step is to add our own personalization provider in the section of the webConfig. The personalization provider will point to the store we created by using the connection string we provide (Dbconn).

<personalization defaultProvider="AspNetSqlPersonalizationProvider">
<remove name="AspNetSqlPersonalizationProvider" />
<add name="AspNetSqlPersonalizationProvider" type="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.SqlPersonalizationProvider" connectionStringName="DBConn" applicationName="/" />

lundi 23 octobre 2006

Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare is THE TOOLS for Developpement. Not Only I use it at work but I purchase a license for myself at home. It's the perfect tool to compare FILES, FOLDERS on the same or different computers. You don't know if you put all of your lastest developement online? No problem. Beyond Compare can compare FTP Folders. You can even compare file side by side, line by line and transfert only the change that you want. You can even use it to compare and synchronise your music folder with your MP3 player.

There is a Free Trial available if i did not convince you.

Beyond Compare from Scooter Software at

dimanche 22 octobre 2006

Better then Notepad: EditPad

Every developper learned to love notepad. It is fast, simple and easy. It's the best editor software available for free but beware.

I just discovered EditPad. All the same functionnality of notepad and MORE. A lot more. One of my favorite features is the TAB for every open documents.

YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR FREE or pay purchase the PRO version for a couple of bucks. Try it OUT.

EDITPAD from JGSoft at

vendredi 20 octobre 2006

Doc Generator

I had to found a documentation generator tool. So this is what I found:

VBDOX Support for VB6, ASP, even .Net (in its beta version) and it's a FREEware. Support a couple of template.

VBdocman for VB6. Also available, VSDocMan for .Net. Trial software Available. Support for Java comment template.

FREE Classics:
NDoc for .Net 1.0/1.1
SandCastle for .Net 2.0

Also Wikipedia got a very extensive list of those kind of tools.

Others Recommended by Microsoft:
DocumentX -
Doc-O-Matic - for .Net Only
DOxygen - Only for C like langage